On April 25, 2024, members of SPACQ-AE (Société professionnelle des auteurs et compositeurs du Québec et des artistes entrepreneurs) voted to elect their new Board of Directors at their Annual General Meeting. More than 127 votes were tallied.

SPACQ-AE welcomes to the board Edgar Bori, David Bussières, Michel Corriveau, Catherine Durand, Carole Facal, Maxime Fortin, Anaïs Larocque, Ariane Lemire and Sarahmée Ouellet. The association – which represents the interests of Francophone songwriters and artist-entrepreneurs across Canada, and all commissioned music composers in Québec – is convinced that the expertise and diversity of these new members will greatly enrich its discussions and decisions in support of SPACQ-AE’s mission. SOCAN shares this enthusiasm, and wishes the new Board every success.

In parallel, SPACQ-AE announces the departure of Marion Cousineau, Laurent Guardo, Sébastien Lacombe, Marjolaine Morasse and Eric Shaw, who have held their positions with dedication since 2022.

Here are the members of the new SPACQ-AE Board of Directors:

Edgar Bori, President
Songwriting Representative (2 years)

Anaïs Larocque, Vice-President
Commissioned Music Representative (2 years)

Carole Facal, Secretary
Artist-Entrepreneur Representative (2 years)

David Bussières, Treasurer
Artist-Entrepreneur Representative (2 years)

Ariane Lemire, Director
Representative for songwriters, composers, or artists-entrepreneurs outside of Québec (2 years)

Michel Corriveau, director
Commissioned Music Representative (1 year)

Catherine Durand, Director
Songwriting Representative (1 year)

Maxime Fortin, Director
Artist-Entrepreneur Representative (1 year)

Sarahmée Ouellet, Director
Songwriting Representative (1 year)