The music worlds of France and Québec gathered in Paris Oct. 8 –10, 2023, for the APEM-CSDEM (Association des professionnels de lédition musicale and Chambre Syndicale de lÉdition Musicale) Song Camp, an exciting initiative that gathered musical talent from both sides of the Atlantic. Thanks to the support of Musicaction, SODEC, and the SOCAN Foundation, the event enabled songwriters and producers to collaborate in a unique creative environment. 
Each day, four teams of three different participants were assembled. These teams worked closely together to create new songs, blending their respective influences to create unique musical pieces. The highlight of the event was the final listening session on Oct. 10, where the 12 songs created during the camp were presented to the public. 

Artists participating in this high-profile event included such renowned talents from Québec as Benny Adam, Benjamin Nadeau, Rymz, Täbï Yösha, Marion Brunelle and Parazar, while those from France included LAdjoint, The French Guy, Maëlle, BRÖ, Mauvaise Bouche, and Sainte-Nicole. Their skills and diverse influences enriched the camp, creating a most rewarding musical experience. 
In addition to the song camp, the MaMA conference (running concurrently) presented a panel, “Co-writing as a tool for international development: what motivates the organization of a France-Québec song camp?” During the discussion, CSDEM and APEM representatives shared the motivations and objectives behind the event, underlining the import ance of international collaboration in the music industry. Participants Rymz (artist), Carlos Munoz (Joy Ride Records), Almä Mango (artist), and Fanny Landais (Baco Music) shared their experiences and perspectives about the impact of these initiatives on career development.

Participants in this third edition of the APEM and CSDEM song camp acquired new skills, expanded their professional networks, and created remarkable musical works. This kind of initiative represents a step in the right direction towards fruitful international collaboration in music. Organizers and participants alike hope that this inspiring experience will continue to bear fruit in the future, paving the way for new creative collaborations and a thriving France-Québec music scene.