Oli Féra has won the finals of the Grand concours Hydro-Québec, the central event of the 2022 Festival international de la chanson de Granby, held on Aug 24, 2022. The theatrical singer-songwriter Féra won over a jury of about 100 music industry professionals, tasked with choosing the top finalist of the five who took the stage for a final performance. Their selection was based on the artists’ originality, the quality of their repertoire and delivery, and their professional maturity.
Féra thus earns a $25,000 career development grant, as well as eight other awards that will certainly help her follow in the footsteps of past winners such as Lisa LeBlanc (2010), Patrice Michaud (2009), Alexandre Désilets (2006), Pierre Lapointe (2001), Lynda Lemay (1989), Luc de Larochelière (1986), and Jean Leloup (1983).
The other four finalists don’t walk away empty-handed, since the festival offers plenty of awards and prizes: Maude Sonier won five, La Charpie four, Chino two, and Zéphyr Bielinski one. Overall, these various prizes are worth a total of more than $100,000.
Congratulations to Oli Féra and the other four finalists!
For complete details, visit ficg.qc.ca.