Guillaume Morin, Saga Stratégie sonoreThe Association des professionnels de l’édition musicale (APEM) successfully hosted the seventh edition of its Music Tech Summit (Sommet musique et technologie) on March 23, 2023, at Centre Phi. This annual conference event aims to provide music publishers and other industry professionals with the tools they need to make the most of technology, and to keep them up-to-date about trends and technological developments in the industry.

Attendees were offered insightful presentations from several industry experts. The first was from Guillaume Morin of Saga Stratégie sonore and Andréa Leydet-De-Mendonsa of Gradiant AI,who discussed the collaboration between sound strategy and AI for music creation. Lysandre Champagne of the Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ) hosted the second presentation, during which she shared interesting data on music listening and consumption habits, spending, and how the Internet can be used for music.

Pierre B. Gourde, General Manager of MétaMusique, presented a session on the development of MétaMusique and the upcoming launch of its tool for capturing, indexing, and distributing music metadata. This introduction allowed attendees to discover the features and tools that simplify the task, and increase the discoverability of new releases.

Catalina Briceño, Chloé Sondervorst, Philippe Beaudoin, Sandra Rodriguez]Andreas Katsambas, President and COO of Chartmetric, gave a presentation in English that turned out to be a highlight of the day. He presented the types of metrics currently available to measure a title’s exposure to its potential audience, and how industry professionals can leverage those metrics.

The day’s activities ended with a round-table discussion, moderated by Catalina Briceño, with Chloé Sondervorst from Radio-Canada, Philippe Beaudoin from Waverly, and creator Sandra Rodriguez. They discussed the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence for the music industry. Finally, a networking cocktail party was organized, allowing attendees to connect and exchange ideas.